A Procurement Conference for the Covid-19 Era

A Procurement Conference for the Covid-19 Era



 Given the fact that many of the conferences that we would all be attending at this time have been canceled or postponed, Tina Fegent (FCIPS) and I have decided to set up a Marketing Procurement Conference online to help fill the gap.

Curated by procurement professionals for procurement professionals.  No pay to play, no cost to the attendee, no travel costs and you can dip in and out as you choose.


We’ve set up an online conference to engage our procurement colleagues around the globe on subjects that are interesting and relevant for the current time and, even more so, for the days that are coming.


We’ll be covering subjects from the global media marketplace, in-house agencies, production and much more.  We’ve got some great speakers from around the world to guide the conversations and we are hoping the format will allow you to attend and engage around your other commitments. Each session will last for an hour and will include the opportunity for you to ask questions of the speakers.


Sign up on zoom (details below) and we’ll see you on the 19th May.  














Tuesday 19th May – Day 1



Session 1


1pm GMT/ 8am EST – A Macro-Economic view of the market from two industry leaders

Speakers – Alex De Groote and Michael Levine (Pivotal Research)


Focusing on the global impact of the Covid-19 crisis and what this has meant for clients, agencies and media owners.  We’ll be discussing the current situation and what is likely to happen as we come out of this situation and through the end of 2020.  Foundational knowledge to help you as you plan for your category investments over the coming months and years.


Session 2


3pm GMT/ 10am EST – The Pitch Process – how has this changed and is it still fit for purpose?

Speakers – Tina Fegent and Meghan McDonnell (Pile + Company)


The pitch process that companies use to select an agency continues to draw criticism from all quarters.  Some agencies feel it is a costly waste of time, others find it an unfair way to find a partner, but the reality is that it’s still a big part of the industry.  The speakers will be addressing some of these points as well as digging into how the process can happen during a lockdown.  The reality for many brands is that they are likely to make changes to how they carry out their marketing in the near future so understanding how best to find your future partners will be key to a successful procurement team.


Session 3


5pm GMT/ 12 noon EST – In House Agencies – from design studios to full agencies, what is the future for the in-house agency

Speakers – Jim Hubbard (White Door Consulting)


In-house agencies have been around for many years in various forms but have taken a larger role in global advertising over the last few years.  Jim will talk about how these agencies are being used and where they are thriving. He will also address some of the concerns that brands have with using in-house agencies such as talent management, creative excellence and cost management.  As procurement professionals are being tasked with a continuous focus on driving value for their brands, in-house agencies could be something to explore further to see how this can become a reality.


Thursday May 21st - Day 2


Session 4


1pm GMT/ 8am EST – Advertising production in the lockdown world

Speaker – Claire Randall (Claire Randall Consulting)


One of the areas of advertising investment that has been hit hardest over the last few months has been the production of advertising assets.  As production facilities have been shut down, brands and their agencies have had to become innovative to continue to create assets to be used from TV to social media.  Claire will share some of her experiences over this time as well as lift the lid on some areas where brands are rethinking how they produce in the future with an eye on cost management and content creation.   This is essential knowledge for a procurement team that has the ability to influence this area of investment for their brands.


Session 5


3pm GMT/ 10am EST – Agency Models – how they have been changing and what comes next

Speakers – Tina Fegent and Dan Jeffries (Jeffries Consulting)


As procurement teams come out of this crisis, they will likely be challenged to find ways of making their marketing investment work harder for their brands.  One of the key levers that brands can pull is to redesign their agency models to be more efficient and effective for their particular approach to marketing.  Depending on the size and structure of internal marketing teams, there are a number of external agency models that brands can deploy.  This session will be focused on the discussion of these models and some of the pros/cons and risks/rewards in changing models for brands. 


Session 6 


5pm GMT/ 12 Noon EST – Media – how its changing and how you can help your brands succeed tomorrow

Speakers – Chris Binns (Mediacom), Laura Nix (Empower) and Steven Abraham (OMD)


This will be a great wrap up of our conference – three fantastic media professionals will be digging into how their clients have had to adapt over the last few months.  We’ll be looking at what the changes in media consumption have meant for advertisers as well as the impact of programming changes due to cancellation of sporting events.  This session will end with a Q&A that will allow us to discuss how media agencies are setting themselves up to help their clients be successful in the coming months and where you may be able to help your brand as we come out of the crisis.  Any procurement team with an opportunity to influence this significant area of investment will benefit from the knowledge shared in this session.


Details of Zoom Session Below:


Session 1 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NG6bgySVS_SGezMx9RwAqw


Session 2 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LNiRB-LLQpCPBI6pw_GoDg


Session 3 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z_ccD1weT32kkIb1ov61TQ


Session 4 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_A__O9HtnRSqWyq8PhZLqOQ


Session 5 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ilz9zM1GQKO87CrelOxLDA


Session 6 - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HuaAr_1ZSjCqslaRDFGEiA

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